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Kravets Vladimir

Faculty: Mainer - Geological

Speciality: Drilling of wells

Leader of work: Karakozov Artur Arkadyevich

Materials on the theme of master's work: Abstract | Links | Report about the search

Email: vovan@mail.ru      vovan.don@rambler.ru


The administrative structure of Sverdldlovsk and district has the row of features. The town and district Councils are incorporated in one town Administration that entailed the necessity of improvement of administrative vertical line and structure of organs of executive power. Dynamic transformations, which are now in Sverdlovsk and district, satisfy the necessity of further perfection of the system of administrative decisions, their adductions in accordance with terms and necessities of socio-economic developŽment, realization of administrative reform. The economic potential of Sverdlovsk is represented by 36 industrial enterprises, 303 small enterprises and cooperaŽtive stores. In the volume of commodity products most specific gravity is on the enterprises of coal industry -65,9 percents One of the most major in the country coal concerns - the State holding company "Sverdlovantratsit" - annually obtains over 5 million tons of coal. The stanŽdard of modern management, activation of integration processes there is the joint Ukrainian-Spanish venture "Intersplav", specialized on production of aluminum of the second. Products - up to 40 thousand tons per year - are used in machine-building production and other industries of home industry, are exported in a row of developed countries of the West. The nomenclature of products of enterprises is vast: machine-building, processing, food industries of industrial sector. Annual production of indusŽ trial goods and commodities of people consumption is about 900 million UAH. 16 agricultural enterprises and over 100 farmer economies work on the territory of Sverdlovsk and the district. The general area of cultivated soils makes 113 thousand hectares, including 46 thousand hectares of plough-lands. At favorable weather terms the harvest of corn achieves 45-50 thousand of tons. The developed stock-raising industry annually allows to get more than 5 thousand tons of milk, up to 600 tons of meat. The transport and comŽmunal infrastructure, and credit-financial system, are being perfected. Optimum terms for the highly skilled perŽsonnel training, development of culture, sport, and rest are created. All these can explain the investment attractiveness of the region. That was not eventually that the Sverdlovsk town got the status of a territory of priority development. A row of a projects on utilization of wastes of coal production is already realized, on the receipt ecologically clean caldron-stove fuel, on development of sewing production with the volume of investŽments more than 15 million USD. As well as any region of Lugansk Region, Sverdlovsk and the district have its natural-cliŽmatic features. The preserve "Provalskaya steppe" is the unique corner of nature, obtained from the bowels of the earth mineral waters - "Astahovskaya" and "Dolganskaya" - possess exceptional medical properties. It is possible with complete foundation to assert that in Sverdlovsk and the district a sufficient mass of transforŽmations is made, which guarantees socio-economic develŽopment on a self-sufficient market basis.

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